

Welcome to Returning to Birth! I share the amazing ways childbirth can teach us more about ourselves. ALL women deserve a positive and empowering birth experience, and I’m here to help make that happen.

Overwhelmed by Starting a Blog? Start With Birth Stories!

Overwhelmed by Starting a Blog? Start With Birth Stories!

Starting a Blog Can Be Overwhelming

Blogging can be super helpful for website traffic and SEO for your website but sometimes that feels like too much to take on when you’re just starting out online. If that feels a little overwhelming, starting with birth stories instead can be a great way to get your feet wet. I’m sure some of your past clients would be open to sharing their birth story on your website!

The best part is you don’t even have to do much of the writing. I had great luck reaching out to other bloggers. They usually had birth stories already up on their websites and were very willing to share their stories with me for a backlink to their website.

Check out the video below…

Are you a birth worker interested in blogging but maybe feeling a little overwhelmed? Try starting out with birth stories instead of blog posts! Check out this IGTV episode about how I did this. #blogging #birthpro #birthstories

Are you a birth worker interested in blogging but maybe feeling a little overwhelmed? Try starting out with birth stories instead of blog posts! Check out this IGTV episode about how I did this. #blogging #birthpro #birthstories

Save Time By Batching Your Content

Save Time By Batching Your Content

How I went from 4 (not 4k, just 4) to 37k monthly viewers on Pinterest in 1 week!

How I went from 4 (not 4k, just 4) to 37k monthly viewers on Pinterest in 1 week!