

Welcome to Returning to Birth! I share the amazing ways childbirth can teach us more about ourselves. ALL women deserve a positive and empowering birth experience, and I’m here to help make that happen.

Save Time By Batching Your Content

Save Time By Batching Your Content

Save Time By Batching Your Content

With a full time job, running Returning to Birth, and two little kids, I’m pretty stretched thin on time. Batching my content has been a huge help for me. I struggle with consistency which is one of the most important things with blogging.

Instead of committing to daily posts on Instagram or weekly blog posts, I batch my content. This means when I have some time I’ll set up a whole month of Instagram content at once and use Tailwind to schedule the posts to auto post for me.

For my blog I’ll spend a few hours doing keyword research and list all the titles or even titles and outlines for the next posts I want to write. Then on another day I focus on writing several posts (that are all already started with outlines).

By doing this I can focus on one task at a time and get WAY more work done.

Check out the video below…

Work smarter not harder! Batching your content can save time and make you more productive. Check out the video. #birthpro #blogging #productivity

Work smarter not harder! Batching your content can save time and make you more productive. Check out the video. #birthpro #blogging #productivity

Overwhelmed by Starting a Blog? Start With Birth Stories!

Overwhelmed by Starting a Blog? Start With Birth Stories!