

Welcome to Returning to Birth! I share the amazing ways childbirth can teach us more about ourselves. ALL women deserve a positive and empowering birth experience, and I’m here to help make that happen.

How to Write an "About Me" Page For Your Birth Biz Website

How to Write an "About Me" Page For Your Birth Biz Website

So you’re jumping into your business and making it official with a website. Good for you! One of the first pages you’ll need on your site is an “About Me” page.

This is one of the most important pages on your website because it will almost always be the most popular page on your site and first stop for new visitors.

Just to be nice and confusing, your “About Me” page isn’t even really about you at all. Confused yet? Stay with me.

A Great “About” Page

A great “About” page needs way more than just your adorable face and a quick bio. I’m going to break down all of the essential ingredients you need for an “About Me” page that converts your visitors into loyal fans because isn’t that the point?

You don’t want people coming to your website to just read about you and leave! We want them to stay, connect, and engage. Your About page tells your audience how to do that.

Who Is Your Site For?

No not who are YOU but who is your site for? Your “About” page should identify who is part of your target audience.

You want a visitor to your site to read your About page and see you talking about your audience and immediately think “Hey, she’s talking about me! I’m in the right place!”

So who is your site for? Get specific. For a birth business, you need to narrow your ideal customer to something more than just pregnant!

Your About page is usually the most visited page on your website. Make sure yours is optimized to attract your ideal client with these tips. #blogging #birthworker #doulabiz

Your About page is usually the most visited page on your website. Make sure yours is optimized to attract your ideal client with these tips. #blogging #birthworker #doulabiz

My focus, for example, is Childbirth Education for survivors of trauma or abuse. Maybe you’re a Birth Doula specializing in VBAC or a Post Partum Doula with a love of multiples or helping NICU babies transition home.

Get specific about who your ideal client is and include that in your “About Me” page. This will keep the right client on your website, and repel the wrong people.

Example for our Post Partum Doulas: “I help new parents of NICU babies gain confidence in their abilities after bringing their babies home for the first time.”

What Do You Offer?

What are you giving your readers? When someone is reading your About page, they want to know what they are going to get out of your website. Tell them!

Let them know what to expect and point out some of your best content. Link to a couple blog posts or birth stories you share on your site.

This will also get them poking around other pages on your website so they don’t just skim your About page and bounce. Here’s a screenshot of how I do this on my About Page:

Screen shot of part of my About Me Page

Screen shot of part of my About Me Page

The longer you are able to keep a new visitor on your website, the more likely they are to subscribe to your email list and/or come back to your site again. The last thing you want is for your ideal client to check out your website and never come back.

Your About page is usually the most visited page on your website. Make sure yours is optimized to attract your ideal client with these tips. #blogging #birthworker #doulabiz

Your About page is usually the most visited page on your website. Make sure yours is optimized to attract your ideal client with these tips. #blogging #birthworker #doulabiz

Tell them what makes you different from everyone else and why you are the best possible person to help them with their needs. Tell them why they need YOU.

Where Do You Operate?

This one is important for birth businesses. Unless your business is completely online (virtual doula?), you need to make sure it is very clear where you operate.

Don’t just list the name of your city, but be specific with neighborhoods you do or do not do business in. If you are a birth doula, how far are you willing to travel for a birth?

Figure out your ideal radius from your location and put a limit on the geography for your services. You want the woman reading your page to see her neighborhood and get excited that she might be able to work with YOU!

Your About page is usually the most visited page on your website. Make sure yours is optimized to attract your ideal client with these tips. #blogging #birthworker #doulabiz

Your About page is usually the most visited page on your website. Make sure yours is optimized to attract your ideal client with these tips. #blogging #birthworker #doulabiz

Why Do You Do What You Do?

OK, now you can talk about yourself a little bit. Why do you do what you do? What got you started in the birth world? Why does this work matter to you and how does it fit into your life?

Your readers don’t need your entire life story, so stick to the important things or things you can connect to your business.

I tell my readers that I’m an abuse survivor because that is a huge part of why I do the work that I do.

What is your specialty as a birth worker and how did that come to be? Keep it to a few sentences (you can go in depth in a blog post later).

What’s Next?

Now what? Tell your reader what to do. Yes, be bossy! Ok not TOO bossy. Give them a call to action.

Maybe that’s to sign up for your email list or follow you on social media. Give them a practical next step that invites them one step closer to working with you.

Open the conversation and have them reach out. Maybe that’s joining your Facebook group for new moms or coming to your prenatal yoga class you teach at the park. Bring them deeper so they want to reach out and get more.

Photo of You

Your About page should also include a picture of you, preferably a professional head shot. If you don’t have a professional photo to use, have a friend with a nice camera take a photo for you in the meantime. There are plenty of DIY headshot tutorials online you can use to get a nice pic.

Need Some Help?

Let me know if you have questions. I’m happy to help! I’m on Instagram @Blogging4BirthPros. Send me a DM and we’ll chat!

Overcoming "Shiny Object Syndrome" So You Can Be Laser Focused In Achieving Your Goals For Your Birth Business

Overcoming "Shiny Object Syndrome" So You Can Be Laser Focused In Achieving Your Goals For Your Birth Business